Friday, July 17, 2009

Court in Pakistan acquits Sharif

Nawaz Sharif 25 August

Pakistan's Supreme Court has guiltless contestant head Nawaz Sharif of robbery charges, removing the test ban on him running for public office.

He was illegal after being institute blameable of robbery then grey honcho General Pervez Musharraf's form in 1999.

Mr Sharif was maturity minster when he sacked Gen Musharraf. He was toppled in an grey coup presently afterwards.

Mr Sharif was tried by the Sindh broad court. He has always serviceable that the charges were politically motivated.

Mr Sharif's government had sequential officials to entertain Gen Musharraf's form away from metropolis and to a small municipality in Sindh.

While he was imprisoned, Mr Sharif united to go into banishment low a deal with Gen Musharraf who had taken over as Pakistan's president.

Mr Sharif ended his banishment ahead of the 2008 elections but was prevented from contesting cod to the suite conviction.

In its ruling on Friday, the Supreme Court said there was no evidence to hold the calculate of robbery and guiltless Mr Sharif.

Prosecutor Shahadat Awan was quoted by news authority Associated Press as locution that the court's decision was unanimous.

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