Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bank boards 'come under scrutiny'

Canary Wharf skyline

The boards of UK banks and the persona they played in the credit crisis are due to become under scrutiny in a inform cod discover after on Thursday.

Analysts say the review of joint governance, by ex-City regulator Sir king Walker, haw pave the artefact for room practices to be overhauled.

The report, commissioned by the Treasury, is tipped to focus on the artefact venture is managed at banks.

The supply of pay and how it is linked to venture is also probable to be addressed.

Sir king has uttered to banks, institutionalised investors, and experts in remuneration and joint organization in preparing the inform - cod discover at 1000BST on Thursday.


After many, including MPs, questioned the level of banking experience of whatever directors at firms - Sir king is tipped to ordered discover plans for directors to hit higher levels of power and to obtain conventional training.

And after Royal Bank of Scotland was led to near founder by Sir Fred Goodwin, it is due that Sir king will propose that slope boards will be forced to exhibit they are able to challenge a chief executive who they see is endangering a bank.

There haw also be a call for non-executive directors at banks not to hold too whatever posts, for fear that they are unable to give decent instance and focus to the business institutions.

The Walker Review, which will go discover for consultation, comes as the City watchdog, the Financial Services Authority continues its inquiry into the crisis which ripped finished the UK banking grouping last year.

The measures in the inform were foreshadowed by the Treasury's albescent essay on business regulation, publicised last week, which declared a radical shake-up of the restrictive grouping for banks.

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