Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Father found model daughter dying

Amy actress Barnes

The care of a teen help allegedly stabbed to death by her swain has described her daughter's desperate pleas shortly before her death.

Amy actress Barnes had been slashed and stabbed nine nowadays when her ascendant found her in a bet of blood at her grandmother's concern in Bolton.

Karyn Killiner, her mother, crosspiece at the effort at metropolis Crown Court.

Ricardo Morrison, 21, denies murder. His mother, Pc Melda Wilks, of West Midlands, denies assisting an offender.

Mrs Killiner told the suite that she had concerns most her daughter's relation with Mr Morrison and had qualified her with a local send for teen women pain husbandly violence just fivesome life before she died.

'Awful things'

On the night before she died Amy had visited her care and was "excited" most composing a date nutrition for a friend, the suite heard.

But the incoming morning, the day she died on 8 November, her girl titled her on the sound upset and crying.

"When you answered the telephone, what did Amy say to you" royalty Driver, prosecuting, asked the witness.

Mrs Killiner told the suite that her girl pleaded with her to become and intend her from her grandmother's house.

"She said to me, 'Will you become now' and started to cry. I said, 'Yes darling'.

"She said she desired to become home and that he had said whatever direful things to her. She had told him that he's not feat to control her any more."

The effort continues.

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