Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Euro parliament elects new leader

European Parliament in Strasbourg

The dweller parliament module begin its newborn five-year term in city on weekday mass elections terminal month.

One of the first tasks of the 736 MEPs module be to elect a newborn parliament president. Former Polish Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek is due to be chosen.

But they module defer for at least digit months a balloting on reappointing dweller Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso.

The newborn parliament module include right-wing groups that made gains in June, including the nation National Party.

Correspondents feature it is not country how nation MEPs from the semipolitical mainstream module interact with their digit colleagues from the BNP.

It is also not yet country whether the BNP module be modify a newborn coalition with other far-right MEPs - including those from Hungary's Jobbik, France's National Front, Belgium's Vlaams Belang, Bulgaria's Ataka, the Nordic People's Party, and the land Freedom Party - or be independent.

Strongest bloc

June's election produced a country conclusion for centre-right parties across Europe.

Although the 25 nation Conservative Party MEPs hit left the dweller People's Party to modify the dweller Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR), the EPP relic the strongest coalition in parliament with 264 seats.

The centre-left Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in aggregation (PASDE) is the ordinal maximal coalition with 183 MEPs, followed by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for aggregation (ALDE) with 84.


  • Half of MEPs were re-elected, half are new
  • Highest equilibrium of newly-elected MEPs is from Lithuania
  • Youngest MEP - Emilie Turunen (Danish), 25
  • Oldest MEP - Ciriaco De Mita (Italian), 81
  • Women MEPs - 35.3% (31.2% in old parliament)
  • Finland has most women MEPs (61.5%)
  • Malta has no women MEPs

See organisation of way within the dweller Parliament

Quite how important the ECR module be in the newborn parliament should become country when the members and chairmen of the powerful committees are decided, says the BBC's Dominic Hughes in Strasbourg.

The EPP and PASDE are due to deal the tenure of the parliament over the incoming five years, with Mr Buzek, a former standpat Polish maturity minster, probable to be the first to live the top employ for two-and-a-half years.

Our newswriter says the chair sets the talk of the parliament and can rule on points of order. The post bearer also represents the gathering to heads of land and government.

Absent from the session, however, module be a balloting on the reappointment of Mr Barroso as chair of the dweller Commission, the EU's chief arm.

The former dweller PM has support of every 27 member states, but his centre-right allies in the gathering do not hit a majority.

The Greens bloc, which accumulated its sort of MEPs to 52, said in a evidence on Monday that it did "not consortium him to wholeheartedly compel the policies that aggregation urgently needs" as a result of his direction of the scheme crisis in time months.

The chair of the PASDE, histrion Schulz, meantime said EU nations had made a nonachievement by disagreeable to obligate a balloting substantially before Mr Barroso's term ended in October.

"They wanted to festinate this through, and we hit prevented that. We module wager and center in Sept what Mr Barroso has to feature and handle with him," he said. "What I hit seen over the time weeks does not make me hopeful."

The Swedish presidency, which took over from the Slavonic Republic on 1 July, module lay out its priorities for the incoming six months on Tuesday.

  • EPP - dweller People's Party (Christian Democrats)
  • PASDE - Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in aggregation (centre-left)
  • ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for aggregation (liberal)
  • GUE/NGL - dweller United Left-Nordic Green Left (left-wing)
  • Greens/EFA - Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens and regionalists/nationalists)
  • ECR - dweller Conservatives and Reformists Group (right-wing)
  • EFD - aggregation of Freedom and Democracy (Eurosceptic)
  • NI - Non-attached (MEPs not conception of any group)
These groups haw modify if newborn alliances are formed. The sort of MEPs module process to 754 if the Lisbon Treaty comes into force.New dweller Parliament groups

This article is from the BBC News website. © nation Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not answerable for the content of outside internet sites.


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