Friday, July 17, 2009

Postal staff set to strike again

Post box

Industrial state at the Royal Mail is ordered to increase with accomplish state regular for three life next week, the BBC has learned.

The accomplish state on 25, 27 and 28 July comes on top of Friday's one-day walkout by 12,000 Royal Mail employees.

The escalating state is in defence of workers who, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) say, are being unduly pressured by Royal Mail managers.

The Royal Mail has accused the organization of standing in the way of modernisation.

Union members in author and another designated regions are to downbound tools in the disagreement over employ cuts and working conditions.

This could termination in no deliveries of mail on Sat 25 July, and no impact at Royal Mail's author organisation centres on 27 and 28 July, says BBC playing newswriter Joe Lynam.

The CWU has accused Royal Mail managers of trying to "break the organization for good" and accused them of "illogical and arbitrary" employ cuts.

The Royal Mail employs more than 150,000 people in the UK, most of whom are represented by the CWU.

Earlier on Friday, about 400 employees marched on Westminster to deliver letters of protest to the Business Secretary nobleman Mandelson.

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