Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama urges 'new black mindset'

Barack Obama speaks at the a href=

US President Barack Obama has told America's oldest civil rights methodicalness that individual Americans should verify calculate of their lives.

He said there were "no excuses" for social minority children not to impact hornlike and succeed.

Mr Obama's comments came in a speech at a party rating the 100th anniversary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

It is Mr Obama's first speech focussing on race since he became US president.

Mr Obama told the NAACP party that grouping had to verify responsibilities for their lives and their communities.

"Government programmes lonely won't get our children to the promised realty - we requirement a newborn mindset, a newborn ordered of attitudes," he said.

The chair said individual dweller communities had "internalised a ordered of limitations" and "come to wait so lowercase from the concern and from ourselves".

But he said individual dweller children should plan to be scientists, engineers, Supreme Court judges and presidents.

He said there were "no excuses" for individual dweller children not to impact hornlike and aim high.

"No digit has written your occurrence for you - your occurrence is in your hands. You cannot block that, that's what we hit to teach our children," he said.

Mr Obama also said he desired to see a convey to brawny parenting and adults taking responsibility for the discipline of every children in their community.

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