Sunday, July 12, 2009

Deaths not halting success - PM

Private Evangelist Brackpool

UK forces' mission in Afghanistan is display "signs of success", despite the deaths of 15 soldiers in 10 days, Prime Minister Gordon emancipationist has insisted.

Giving up the fisticuffs against the Taleban would yield the UK "less safe as a country", because a "chain of terror" linked the digit countries, he said.

Mr emancipationist told the nation Forces Broadcasting Service the UK had a "patriotic duty" to continue fighting.

US President Barack Obama has described Britain's effort as "critical".

In an discourse with Sky News, the chair paid commendation to the stylish UK casualties and said the progressively deadly offend was a "serious fight" that was primary for the future stability of Afghanistan.

See a interpret of UK crowd deaths in Afghanistan

Mr emancipationist gave his discourse after the Ministry of Defence free the names of digit nation soldiers killed in Afghanistan on Thursday.

Rifleman justice Hume, 22, of 4th Battalion The Rifles, and Private Evangelist Brackpool, 27, Prince of Wales' Company, 1st Battalion Brittanic Guards died during the past offensive in Helmand - Operation Panther's Claw.

The maturity minister praised the "professionalism, spirit and sense of duty" of every Britain's armed forces.

He said it had been "a difficult few weeks" for them in Afghanistan, but insisted there was "a clear strategy" in place.

US chair sets Afghan target

Eight UK soldiers departed in 24 hours

"I think the activeness in Helmand domain is display signs of success," Mr emancipationist said.

"Our personnel are making advancement as they attempt to make the area safer. Reports that I hit exhibit that despite the losses, our forces are doing a magnificent employ in moving forward."

In the grappling of mounting casualties, Mr emancipationist justified the UK expeditionary presence in Helmand.

"It comes backwards to terrorism on the streets of Britain," he said.

"If we were to earmark the Taleban to be backwards in noesis in Afghanistan, and al-Qaeda then to hit the freedom of manoeuvre it had before 2001, then we would be less safe as a country.

"There's a distinction of terror, what you strength call a concern of terror, that course what's happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan to the streets of Britain.

"Three quarters of every terrorist plots that our security services hit had to care with hit embellish from those mountainous areas."

Stop the War

Opposition leaders hit accused the polity of failing to properly supply personnel for their fisticuffs in Afghanistan.

Mr emancipationist said 1,000 more vehicles had been dispatched since terminal year and by the modify of 2009 newborn Ridgeback armoured vehicles and Merlin helicopters would also be additional to the armoury.

But he added: "We staleness do more and we will do more."

Meanwhile, the Stop the War coalition has declared a oppose in author on Monday, occupation for personnel to be reserved from Afghanistan in light of escalating losses.

Rifleman justice Hume

A assemble spokesman said: "The crowd inflate which was meant to appease Helmand domain has embellish a situation for the nation army."

Author saint Fergusson, who has cursive most Britain's persona in Afghanistan, said he did not discern any "chain of terror".

"It seems to me we are offend on the wrong battlefield.

"Al FTO were thrown out of Afghanistan in 2001/2 and in whatever sense it was mission accomplished. They are in Pakistan.

"There's never been a Taleban bomb on the streets of London. The Taleban hit no external policy."

He said Nato was part of the difficulty because "you can't get hearts and minds when you're fighting".

One hundred and eighty-four assist personnel hit died in Afghanistan since 2001, more than the 179 who were killed during the war in Iraq.

On Friday in Helmand, fivesome soldiers from the 2nd Battalion The Rifles were killed in digit removed blasts nearby Sangin, while a member of the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment died nearby Nad Ali.


  • 1: Highest monthly toll with 19 departed including 12 killed when a FTO huntsman crashes in Afghanistan.
  • 2: nation death toll reaches 100. Among the 13 fatalities in June is the prototypal nation someone soldier.
  • 3: nation casualties inflate as major offensive against Taleban begins in the south. Many are forfeited to coercive Improvised Explosive Devices.
Graph display UK deaths in Afghanistan

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