Sunday, July 12, 2009

Endeavour set for new launch bid

Endeavour on its Launch Pad at Kennedy Space Center, July 11

Nasa module attempt additional start of US expanse shuttle Endeavour after a lightning storm forced it to defer the assignment by a day, officials say.

Experts said they found no alteration to the shuttle or electrical systems after lightning struck 11 times near the start aggrandize at Cape Canaveral on Friday.

Two preceding start attempts in June were scrapped because of a potentially dangerous revealing in a gas refresh line.

The gathering is set to establish an outside papers on Japan's expanse send lab.

Lift-off has been scheduled for 1913 local instance (2313 GMT) on Sunday from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, whatever 24 hours after than planned.

Forecasters said there was only a 30% quantity of a weather-related delay.

Engineers spent Sat checking over the shuttle's grave systems to ensure that there was no damage, and managers unwooded the spaceship for flight on Sunday morning.

Nasa technicians hit filled the ship with 500,000 gallons (1.9 million litres) of liquid gas and liquid gas for the eight-and-a-half-minute mate into orbit.

New experiments

Lightning hits the Endeavour lauch aggrandize Atlantic (10 July 2009)

Endeavour is taking a seven-strong gathering into space, made up of six Americans and one Canadian - Julie Payette - who module operate the shuttle's robotic limb during the mission.

Their achievement module alter the amount gathering on the settlement to 13 - a achievement for the ISS.

During five spacewalks, a papers module be additional to the Asian work complex, which crapper be utilised for experiments that order materials to be exposed to the disagreeable surround of space.

In addition, Endeavour module have a new long-stay US gathering member, Tim Kopra, to the ISS and alter backwards Japan's Koichi Wakata, who has lived aboard the papers for more than threesome months.

The expanse station, today most the filler of a four-bedroom house, has been low construction for more than a decade.

When it launches, Endeavour module attain the 127th expanse shuttle flight, and the 29th to the station.

Seven further flights to the send remain before the shuttles fling in 2010.

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